So I decided to go to Target today to get some Fathers day gifts. I haven't been to Target in forever, probably 3 weeks which is a long time for me. So I spent 48 bucks before taxes. It seems like a lot BUT....I got my husband a 52.00 dollar Electic Razor on sale for 48.00 then I used a 10 off coupon I got in the All You Magazine. Then I got 3 Reach Dental Floss for .02 cents. Thanks Keri Lyn at Shesaved for this awesome deal. Also got 3 Ziploc quart bags for .67 cents, they were on clearance for 1.67 and I had 3 one dollar off coupons. Next were the Dixie plates and Bowls, .95 cents each for these. They are one sale for 2.49 and I had a 1 off Target coupon stacked with a .55 cent peelie. Purrell hand sanitizer for .40 cents with a .60 off coupon, this also was from shesaved.com (thanks again) Then I got my dad two shirts for Fathers Day. Oh yeah and the Hefty trash bags for free using the Target printable. FEWWWW. Ok I think that is all. Plus I bought a pack of gum for my son that he just HAD to have 1.29....not pictured. OK I forgot some things. 3 Buddies soap for free using the 3 off three. I think this was an IP from a while ago. Coppertone for babies sunblock for free Renuzit odor eliminator on sale for 1.66 and I found 2 coupons laying there for 1 off. So they were .66 cents. Ok NOW that is all. GEEZ.
I would also like to add that at the Target on Eagle road the Pull ups were pretty much wiped out. There were like one or two left but to get the 5 dollar gift card you have to buy 3. So I didn't get to do that deal. DARNIT!!
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! you rocked girl!!